We all do it don’t we? Compare our butts, our bellies, our thighs with others around us. Believing that there is a standard that we should look like; that Hollywood has the inside ‘skinny’ on weight and appearance. But what if….that really is all bunk. Who says we are to ‘look’ like someone else? Don’t we spend a lifetime trying to show/prove our individuality? Not only that, did you know the Cost of Comparing actually helps your body hold onto weight?
As a health coach, I see it all the time…pants we can no longer fit into…stressed out lives…diet after diet after new diet…jumping on only to fall off and THEN the judgment begins! What if I were to tell you…today and everyday…
You don’t have to be lost or wonder which way to turn, which diet to go on? That YOU hold the key to your healthiest self, inside of you? Life is a journey, a process and no two people or their paths are the same. Goodness, perhaps that is why there are so many ‘diets’ out there. Each one simply adding to the confusion of what you ‘should or shouldn’t eat’? My passion in life is to help you discover that…
Today and everyday!
For when we compare, are we not telling ourselves that we are ‘less than’, bringing about us ‘shoulding’ all over ourselves. And when we don’t accept ourselves as we are today, how can we bring about change to where we want to go? What if you learned how to really connect your mind, heart and body to determine what you really need in terms of nourishment, exercise and simply Your perfect weight? The cost of comparison is time consuming, fatiguing and unless you are shopping for the best price, you end up like a hamster on a spinning wheel.
I am here to help you get off that spinning wheel of diet after diet and discover the You that you were created to BE!! What does the ‘comparison’ game cost you?
Bethany Perry is a holistic healthy lifestyle counselor. She helps women discover their uniqueness in heart and body and guides them to their healthiest life ever! www.bethany-perry.com; life@bethany-perry.com