It’s true isn’t? Perhaps it is the inconvenience of a snow storm itself that interferes with your plans…or going much deeper into the heart and soul…tears of sorrow and joy both fall like the snow into our hearts and lives. Circumstances come and go and with them we are not always doing a happy dance in that moment.
Yet the snow can be our teacher…for a time, the cold can bring a numbness to our body which can be of service when hit with something deeply painful or difficult. The storm can also cause us to shut down, stay in and perhaps look within to have time to reflect, blanket ourselves and slow us down so we can discover truths that perhaps we hadn’t seen before.
I went for a walk in the storm yesterday and here is what I discovered…
First is that I LOVE a good snow storm!
Really, even if you don’t like cold, isn’t it beautiful? When the wind is blowing and everything is mostly dark browns, black and whites with a touch of deep green…still the river flows. Like the flowing of life’s continuation no matter the storm or cold. I remember when my Father died, I was driving and I couldn’t understand why traffic did not stop for me. I was in a hurry to get to the funeral home and since I felt my world had stopped, I couldn’t comprehend the rest of the world not stopping. The river of pain was so very deep, I thought ‘Why aren’t they stopping…don’t they know my Dad just died?’ It was difficult at best and very humbling to learn, that truly life stops for no one…only we can stop for ourselves. And in that pause, that stillness of cold and perhaps painful shutting down (for whatever reason)…we discover that even in times of deep cold, sorrow, pain, illness…you fill in the blank,
If you look you will find…a little sprig of life underneath the blanket of snow…along with a smiling face…
Perhaps sent by your Very Own…Snow Angel! Everyone has one you know…you just have to lay down in the cold, look up into the sky and discover the movement from within…and Voila, your Angel will appear!
Today, it is my prayer, that you Find Your Snow Angel along with a smile and growth of heart and soul!
It is with great joy I bring you words and pictures that move me…if you would like to speak to me, please feel free to write me at or go to my website and sign up for a discovery session…
Bethany, This is a beautiful look at life! I have spent many days in the woods during snow storms and even thunder snow and have always found Gods presence both in nature and in the peace of mind that only He can give. Time in the woods alone during a storm has helped me to understand that God’s love is everywhere. I have found snow angels in the snow falling from the trees and they are beautiful.
Love love love your blog Bethany!
Thank you so much Donna…please feel free to share:)
Seems like yesterday though hey Mary Ann?